
A being of profound presence and power, potentially helping us discover the ways we make ourselves small and help clear the obstacles as we walk our path.


Delicate emergence from the frosts of winter, and the frozen parts of ourself. Primrose can help these lost parts find their way to warmth. For a little more more click here


A sacred tree of many qualities, in blossom those of Beltane and Pan and in berry of deep heart sustaining nourishment.


Strength and vitality rising up from the damp river’s edge, Angelica offers gateways to discovering the full spiritual potential of our breath.


Plant of the woodland Fae and our entering into these parallel realms of consciousness. Fluid, every shifting, sometimes disorientating – there something to be discovered here.


With such soft leaves and gentle flowers, Marshmallow grows well where water is abundant, and in their rich mulicaginous sweet fluidity they can teach us how to return to our fluid – sensual bodies.

Silver Birch

Woodlands alive with another light – that of the brightness that these tree’s radiate, both from bark and leaf. There is a light here that can lift and renew, touching some of the heavyest part of us and calling them to rest in this this embrace.

Wild Rose

Rose is so many things, a friend in grief and doorway to joy, an invitation to the sensory, sensual aliveness of our heart and, should we allow it, a balm to the deep ancestral pain all our hearts carry.

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